Emily and Blaine are really really awesome. I’m pretty sure if you met them, you’d automatically want to be their best friends. Emily is a self-proclaimed

junkie and does graphic design. Blaine has one of the best tastes in music on earth and a marvelous beard. When we met to talk about their wedding, we ended up having a conversation about how great America’s Next Top Model is. Good people, ya know? They have really wonderful style and senses of humor and I was so freakin’ honored to photograph their wedding in Pink, Oklahoma on Blaine’s family’s land. Plus, Blaine’s last name (and now, Emily’s too) is Bacon. That’s pretty great.

Their day was filled with all of the best things. Mismatched wedding party clothes, one of my favorite gowns ever, fresh flowers, succulents everywhere, a custom beer tap wall, tacos (TACOS!!! IF YOU KNOW ME YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE TACOS), gorgeous light, huge trees in which Emily and Blaine shared their first kiss as husband and wife under, some great music and enthusiastic dancing, a naked cake and a groom’s cake that looked like it was straight out of the Bruce Bogtrotter scene from Matilda, only it had chocolate covered strawberries added, chocolate covered bacon, glitter champagne, a “family tree”, a vintage tandem bicycle, so much laughter and positivity, and the realest, truest, most genuine and deepest love-the kind that you can tell is founded upon a beautiful friendship. Emily and Blaine are each other’s best friends. Watching them together is magic.

After their wedding, the Bacons went to Portland, Oregon (I’m still a little jealous…hoping to be a Portland wedding photographer) and spent their time eating the best food ever, and touring breweries, adventuring up the coast, playing on abandoned beaches, and just generally being in love. You know, the usual. I wish these two the absolute best.

Image heavy. As usual.